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Pesan Abi » » Keluhuran BUDI PEKERTI akan tampak pada UCAPAN dan TINDAKAN.

Families of Killed Suspected Terrorists Still Unable to See Bodies

Families of Killed Suspected Terrorists Still Unable to See Bodies

The families of two suspected terrorists are not convinced that their sons were among those killed during a police raid in Jati Asih, Bekasi, last weekend because they have not seen the bodies, their lawyer said on Monday.

On Saturday, police raided a house at the Nusapala housing complex and killed Air Setyawan and Eko Joko Sarjono. Police suspected that the two were planning to attack the home of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his convoy or the Presidential Palace.

Police also confiscated 500 kilograms of explosives from the house and a Daihatsu Xenia, which they believed would be used as a car bomb.

The lawyer for the families of Air and Eko, Muhammad Kurniawan, said that police had not allowed family members to see their bodies.

“Until we do, the families are still not 100 percent convinced that their sons were killed in the raid,” Muhammad said.

Agus Purwanto, Air’s father, said that police had not even shown them the coroner’s pictures.

“How can we be sure?” Agus said. “I just need confirmation if it is [Air], so I can alert other family members waiting for news in our hometown [Solo, Central Java]. Our sons deserve proper burials.”

The lawyer said that on Monday police took DNA samples from Agus and Slamet Widodo, Eko’s father. Police plan to compare the samples with those taken from the two bodies.

“We also brought birth certificates and other documents which bear fingerprints,” Muhammad said.

Police told the lawyer and families to wait three to five days until the police forensics team had definitive results.

“We have no choice but to wait for the results,” Muhammad said.

On Saturday, National Police Chief Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri said that Air was an ex-prisoner who had aided the 2004 Australian embassy bombing.

However, Muhammad said that Air was only detained for 1 month and 5 days by Central Java Police and his charges were later dropped and he was released.

Meanwhile, National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Nanan Sukarna said that two alleged terrorists from Temanggung, Central Java, were flown from Yogyakarta to Jakarta on Monday on a chartered plane. The plane would land at Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport in East Jakarta, and the suspects, named as Aris and Indra, would be taken to the mobile brigade’s headquarters (Brimob) in Depok, West Java. source : Nivell Rayda & Farouk Arnaz

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