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Pesan Abi » » Keluhuran BUDI PEKERTI akan tampak pada UCAPAN dan TINDAKAN.

most expensive cars this year

To compile our list of the most expensive cars this year, we reviewed price lists from all the ultra-luxe automakers who might have produced a contender this year for the top spot, including Bentley, Bugatti, Ferrari, Koenigsegg, Lamborghini, Leblanc, Maserati, Maybach, Mercedes-Benz, Pagani, Porsche, Rolls-Royce, Saleen, Spyker and others. We narrowed our terms for the list by choosing only cars that are currently in production and street legal, which eliminated the discontinued $653,000 Enzo Ferrari, as well as the $500,000 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Roadster. Prices do not include taxes; some prices have been converted from euros to dollars. Not all of the vehicles on our list are sold in the U.S. #source :

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